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How to Network

Taylor Beaver

Networking is a huge part of just about any and every career these days. Networking can often be a key part in getting a job, raise, promotion, etc. However, sometimes networking can be difficult and uncomfortable. Don’t worry, Interview Match has got your back on this! This blog is about some of our best networking tips, tricks, and secrets!

Be prepared

Before going to your networking event, do a little research. Research who will be there and brainstorm some conversation starters. Pick an outfit that is fitting for the event and that you will feel confident and comfortable in. If you are feeling ambitious, bring some business cards to give to your new contacts.

Listen well, then ask questions

When engaging in conversation at a networking event it is important to listen well and not just spend your time speaking. Building these relationships is about give and take so make sure to listen and acknowledge others input. Having some questions prepared beforehand will also come in handy especially when wondering where to direct your conversation.

Share your interests

Networking is all about building relationships, so you want to be genuinely yourself. Don’t be afraid to share your passions and interests. Talk about how you got where you are today and what you are looking to do in the future. This is the perfect opportunity to impress clientele and build that connection.

Make use of your social medias

If there is ever a time to add contacts on your social media following it is while networking! Make sure your social media is presentable beforehand and then add away! Before leaving a conversation be sure to throw in “Can I add you on…” and easy as that you’re networking!

Keep in touch!

Make sure to reach out to the people you talked with. Let them know it was great meeting them and see if they would like to meet again!

We hope we’ve helped you feel more confident in your networking abilities with these tips and tricks! Follow our blog and social media for more career advice!



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